This month made me a real citizen of the world! I started my great adventure in Argentina! This year offers unique opportunities to gain intercultural experience… great opportunities! Every day I discover something about the Argentinian culture which is new to me – I learn a new language, I meet new people… hundreds of new faces!

After one month the language barrier is getting smaller and smaller. While staying here for over 30 days, I met people from 16 countries and I spoke 5 languages: Polish, English, French, Spanish, and even a bit of Italian! I am very active with AFS volunteers from Buenos Aires and La Plata as well. Taking part in AFS activities, I get convinced that intercultural education is really an effective tool for building understanding between people.

Thanks to AFS activities I become a more aware citizen of the world.

I have already had three AFS training courses based on intercultural education. The first training in Argentina increased my knowledge about being a mentor for an exchange student. The previous one, basic level on ICL (Intercultural Learning) called „Level W”, I had done back in Poland under the supervision of our great trainers – Petra and Konrad. However, I wanted to see what kind of idea for such a training volunteers from Argentina have. I do not regret taking part! It was really great! My second training here, which took place in Mar del Plata, taught me how to be a good group leader and how to use my leadership skills.

Moreover, I also got in touch with the Polish House and the Polish Library in Buenos Aires. We started looking together for young people who would like to go to Poland. Never before have they heard about such opportunities offered by AFS! They love the idea! To cut a long story short, the goal and mission of AFS are getting known to more and more people.

I would not be myself if I did not use every second of my spare time for small trips to cities like Concordia or the aforementioned Mar del Plata, where I spent some time with the best families in the world – AFS families. With one of them I even visited Uruguay!

Wherever I go, I talk about my beautiful country and the Polish culture. You will not be surprised when I say that most of the people I met did not know anything about Poland… I’m here to change it! There are many interesting projects ahead.

Keep your fingers crossed!